Resources for Voters with Disabilities

Overcoming the significant accessibility barriers to the ballot box can be intimidating. Here are some resources to help you navigate participating in our democracy with disabilities.

Accessibility Issues

In a 2017 study, the Government Accountability Office found that 60% of polling places were somehow inaccessible to voters with disabilities. This widespread lack of compliance with federal disability law is unacceptable.

Know your Rights

Under federal law, you have the right to have an accessible polling place with at least one voting machine for voters with disabilities. You also hold the right to vote privately and independently. If you experience difficulty accessing the voting machine at your polling place, you can seek assistance from poll workers or bring someone with you to assist with voting.

If you experience voter suppression or intimidation when trying to vote, you can contact the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) or 888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682).

Vote by Mail

To avoid potential accessibility issues at your polling place, you may be able to vote by mail or absentee to make your voice heard. Although vote-by-mail laws vary from state to state, you can use to create your voting plan and request your absentee ballot.

Voter Identification

Our partner, VoteRiders recognizes the unique and unjust ways in which the disability community is affected by voter ID regulations and laws. In particular, voters with disabilities can face additional challenges in obtaining the appropriate ID required by their state because many individuals with varying abilities don’t drive so they don’t have driver’s licenses, and they also don’t have their own transportation, making it difficult to get to the DMV for a state ID card.

Through VoteRiders robust voter ID education and one-on-one assistance, their dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure that voter ID laws are not preventing voters from casting their ballot and making their voices heard. For more information, visit VoteRiders Dismantling Voting Barriers for Voters with Disabilities resource.

Additional resources

National Disability Rights Network
A national disability rights organization that provides voters with information on their right to accessible voting.

U.S. Election Assistance Commission
The federal agency that ensures the existence of accessible voting across the country.

Election Protection Hotline
A national, nonpartisan organization that works year-round to guarantee that every voter has an equal opportunity to participate in our democracy.
A Get Out The Vote (GOTV) organization dedicated to mobilizing the Deaf & Hard of Hearing community.

American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)
A national organization that seeks to grow the political and economic power of people with disabilities.

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